May Flowers - mosquitoes be gone!

"May Flowers" is a phrase that refers to the blooming of flowers that typically occurs during the month of May in many parts of the world. In many cultures, May is associated with the arrival of spring and the rebirth of nature after the winter months.

In some places, May is celebrated with festivals and ceremonies that honor the beauty of nature and the renewal of life. The types of flowers that bloom in May can vary depending on the climate and geographic region. However, here are some examples of flowers that typically bloom in May:

  1. Peonies

  2. Lilacs

  3. Tulips

  4. Irises

  5. Azaleas

  6. Daisies

  7. Pansies

  8. Bluebells

  9. Daffodils

  10. Rhododendrons

These perennial flowers are often associated with the arrival of spring and are known for their vibrant colors and pleasant fragrances. If you live in a region where these flowers are common, you may be able to enjoy their beauty and fragrance during the month of May.

Planting Perennials

Planting perennials can be a great way to create a beautiful, low-maintenance garden that will come back year after year. Here are some tips on the best gardening techniques for planting perennials:

  1. Choose the right location: Perennials need a location that provides adequate sunlight and drainage. Before planting, make sure the area gets at least 6 hours of sunlight each day and has well-drained soil.

  2. Prepare the soil: The soil should be prepared by adding compost, manure, or other organic matter to improve soil quality and ensure good drainage.

  3. Plant at the right time: The best time to plant perennials is in the spring or fall, when the weather is cool and the soil is moist. Planting during these seasons will give the plants enough time to establish their roots before the hot summer weather arrives.

  4. Water thoroughly: After planting, water the perennials thoroughly to help them settle in and establish their roots. Make sure the soil around the plants stays moist, but not waterlogged.

  5. Mulch around the plants: Mulching around the plants with a layer of organic material such as shredded leaves or bark can help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.

  6. Prune regularly: Regular pruning will help keep the plants healthy and promote new growth. Deadheading spent flowers and cutting back overgrown foliage can also help maintain the shape and size of the plants.

  7. Divide and replant: Over time, perennials can become overcrowded and need to be divided and replanted. This process involves digging up the plants, separating them into smaller sections, and replanting them in a new location.

By following these techniques, you can create a beautiful and low-maintenance perennial garden that will thrive for years to come.

Mosquitoes swatting time!

doTERRA to the rescue!

Mosquitoes can be a nuisance when planting and enjoying those beautiful perennials on lovely, warm May days. All that swatting! Mosquitoes also can carry diseases, so let’s name them harmful. Here are some hints to avoid mosquitoes:

  • Remove standing water: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so remove any standing water around your home, such as in flower pots, bird baths, or other containers.

  • Wear protective clothing.

  • When spending time outdoors, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants that cover your skin as much as possible.

  • Avoid peak mosquito hours: Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk, so try to avoid spending time outdoors during these times if possible.

This really dampens the fun of gardening and enjoying nature’s beauty, so let’s look to doTERRA for some answers.


Citronella is a tall grass grown in Asia with a crisp, fresh aroma. It is soothing to the skin and creates an uplifting atmosphere. Citronella essential oil is a known powerful insect repellent and an ideal companion during outdoor activities.

Citronella oil keeps creepy-crawlers out of the house and off your skin and clothing. It is an ideal companion for camping, hiking, and trips to the great outdoors. The oil works by masking the human fragrances that insects find appealing. Oil components include citronellal and geraniol, which are good for cleaning surfaces in and outside the home. When inhaled, Citronella promotes happy, positive feelings. Applied topically, it can be soothing to the skin and scalp.

Retail Price: $28 15mL


  • Diffuse to ward off insects, especially mosquitoes.

  • Combine with carrier oil and rub onto skin as a topical insect repellent.

  • Mix with water in a spray bottle and spritz onto surfaces as a natural surface cleanser.

  • Diffuse to promote a cheery, optimistic environment.

  • Use in shampoo and conditioner to boost cleansing while adding shine.


Fun in the Sun…but WAIT!


Geraniums - Beautiful in So Many Ways